65: LOZZ AND CHANI: Our not so funnest moments in business

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Welcome to episode 65, our not so funnest moments in business aka … mega facepalm moments. We wanted to share some of our not so IG worthy moments in business to show you that its ok, and its normal. If you’re struggling in business right now, or facing some lessons, moments of growth or just straight up feeling like you’re not winning, we want to let you know that its going to be ok sis!

It can be so easy to look at someones social media and life and wonder why they’ve got it so easy but the truth is, no one really ever talks about their face down moments. So this episode is to share with you not only some of our darkest moments but to share how we got through them AND how they have been so instrumental to our journey to where we are today. If you’re going through a challenging time please know its going to be ok, business throws all sorts of beautiful lessons our way!

Trust us, in hindsight, their purpose always makes more sense. You’ve got this.

In this episode...

How to deal with the facepalm moments [10.00]

One unforgettable conversation that took Lozzie to next the level [13.00]

A recent facepalm moment of Chani’s [15.40]

How a fan mail inbox can help you get through the hard days [19.00]

FACEPALM moments and Online business [23.00]

A bitter sweet experience from Lozzie’s last day of work [30.00]

Chani’s multiple thousand-dollar facepalm moment [34.30]