35: LAUREN KERR: The process of writing and publishing a book
Our very own BTB cohost Lauren King is officially a PUBLISHED AUTHOR! She also a Life and Mindset Coach, Blogger, Speaker and Mentor for thousands of women around the world who want to create a ‘Life Above Zero’. Lauren holds a Bachelor of Psychology with Honours and is an International accredited Neurolinguistic Practitioner. Lauren started in Child Protection helping families make meaningful change and address Child protection concerns so families could be kept together or reunified after Child protection Orders had been taken. She soon realised she wanted to empower families, especially women with the education, awareness and support to create a life they loved filled with health, wealth and abundance earlier in life so they never found themselves is situations where they were misusing substances to numb emotional pain, settling for jobs or lifestyles that didn’t honour their values, or staying in domestic violent relationships because they didn’t have money of their own or the self belief and self worth to leave. Lauren pivoted and started her own Practise inspiring women to live a "Life Above Zero" a term coined in the positive psychology field that reminds people that happiness and health are more than the absence of unhappiness and disease.
In the Western world, we now have a higher standard of living than humans have ever known before and yet, humans today don’t seem very happy. We are experiencing a mental health epidemic - the World Health Organisation estimates that depression is currently the fourth biggest, costliest, and most debilitating disease in the world and by the year 2020, it will be the second biggest, so it inspired Lauren to create a space for some REAL TALK, with her book 'Life Above Zero - Making Mindset Manageable, Health holistic, Spirituality Science and Life Liberating'. Lauren’s book book equips you with the practical skills and mindset, backed with the psychology, research, and statistics to help you unlock the code to success, in your life, relationships and career (with some positive, warm and fuzzy vibes thrown in, sprinkled with tough love). This book is special because not only does it share personable stories that we can all relate to (reminding you that you are not alone in what you're going through), but it also has the credentials and research behind it giving it the credibility and applicability in the wellness, health and business space.
In this episode we talk about;
- What inspired Lauren to write a book
- What the book is about
- Who will best benefit from the book and what you will gain from reading it
- The process of writing and publishing a book in case it's something on your bucket list too!
Lauren's website: http://www.lifeabovezero.com.au
Lauren's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/life_above_zero/
Laurens Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_dv9lDB0rQAwcFSLut5ucw
LOREN LAHAV, International Speaker, Coach and Author
“Lauren gets it - ‘Life Above Zero’ is how Lauren shows up in all areas of life, it’s a testimony of how understanding and mastering your inner world changes your outer world and the lives of everyone you touch! There is so much wisdom and lessons in these pages I have learnt later in life as a woman, mum, friend, business owner and wife that I wish I could have gifted to a younger version of me. I can’t wait for this book to be passed onto friends, sisters and daughters to empower them with the self belief, self worth and skills to nourish their mental health and go after what they want in life - unlocking health, wealth AND abundance!”
ASHY BINES, Co-Founder and Creative Director of the Ashy Bines Group
“These days, I’m all about embracing my ‘flawsome’ so Lauren’s willingness to get real, raw and vulnerable and talk about the not so pretty parts of life and business is something that I both appreciate - and applaud. I believe it’s really important for us to be encouraging more open, honest discussions surrounding mental health, self sabotage, the fear of rejection, failure and our need for non stop comparison. My mission is all about empowering women so I’m keen for women of any age and stage in their lives to deep dive into this book to explore mindset and understand their psychology so that they have the tools to become the very best version of themselves.”
FRAZER BROOKES, Business Coach, Author and Speaker
“After mentoring and coaching people in business for the last 10 around years I know that anyone from any walk of life can be successful but you need to master and strengthen the character traits of grit, vision, persistence, passion, delayed gratification and resilience to break free from mediocrity. I love that in this book Lauren teaches you how to master your mindset so you can break through your comfort zones and self limiting beliefs in order to uplevel and create a life and business you’re proud of. ‘Life Above Zero’, isn’t wishy washy or woo woo, Lauren is direct and provides simple, applicable steps in order to make long term changes and take control back of your life and future.”